Total process mindset should be part of daily workflows across the organisation. Projects or activities with clear responsibilities enables development of competitive strategies that ensure continuous improvement and cost savings throughout the total business process. Inventura performs analysis to create increased cost-effective processes and profitability, optimize business models and workflows and develop KPIs to follow up and measure performance.

We improve the value chain, using Lean principles. We identify sustainable improvement opportunities in each step of the Supply Chain and use GAP Analysis to map current challenges, directly connected to overall business processes and workflows.

We perform GAP analyses to map:

  • Improvements in current contract management process, for better contract utilization
  • Improvements in change control to have predictability in cost
  • Terms- and condition potentials in contracts to optimize commercial conditions
  • Improvements in current Contracts Portfolio to identify saving potentials
  • Cost reduction opportunities and efficiency potentials in internal work flows
  • Cost reduction opportunities and efficiency potentials in supplier follow up work flows
  • Improvements to minimize inventory levels and cost and establish follow up procedures
  • Improvements and efficiency opportunities in logistics and related workflows

We support companies in utilizing recommended actions that must be followed up to achieve efficiency- and saving potentials.

Some of our specialist areas are:

  • Development of sustainable work processes based on identified opportunities that promotes ownership and continuous improvements
  • Provide supporting structures by use Inventura’s established models, tools and process
  • Project implementation of improved processes and workflows with clear roles and responsibilities